Compare any two graphics cards:
GeForce GTX 980 vs Radeon HD 7990
IntroThe GeForce GTX 980 comes with a GPU core speed of 1126 MHz, and the 4096 MB of GDDR5 RAM runs at 1750 MHz through a 256-bit bus. It also features 2048 Stream Processors, 128 Texture Address Units, and 64 Raster Operation Units.Compare those specifications to the Radeon HD 7990, which makes use of a 28 nm design. AMD has clocked the core speed at 950 MHz. The GDDR5 RAM runs at a speed of 1500 MHz on this specific card. It features 2048 SPUs as well as 128 Texture Address Units and 32 ROPs.
Display Graphs
BenchmarksThese are real-world performance benchmarks that were submitted by Hardware Compare users. The scores seen here are the average of all benchmarks submitted for each respective test and hardware.
3DMark Fire Strike Graphics Score
Ethereum Mining Hash Rate
Zcash Mining Hash Rate
Power Usage and Theoretical BenchmarksPower Consumption (Max TDP)
Memory BandwidthTheoretically speaking, the Radeon HD 7990 should perform a lot faster than the GeForce GTX 980 overall. (explain)
Texel RateThe Radeon HD 7990 will be much (approximately 69%) better at AF than the GeForce GTX 980. (explain)
Pixel RateThe GeForce GTX 980 is just a bit (about 19%) more effective at full screen anti-aliasing than the Radeon HD 7990, and also should be capable of handling higher resolutions while still performing well. (explain)
Please note that the above 'benchmarks' are all just theoretical - the results were calculated based on the card's specifications, and real-world performance may (and probably will) vary at least a bit. One or more cards in this comparison are multi-core. This means that their bandwidth, texel and pixel rates are theoretically doubled - this does not mean the card will actually perform twice as fast, but only that it should in theory be able to. Actual game benchmarks will give a more accurate idea of what it's capable of. Price Comparison
Display Prices
Please note that the price comparisons are based on search keywords - sometimes it might show cards with very similar names that are not exactly the same as the one chosen in the comparison. We do try to filter out the wrong results as best we can, though. Specifications
Display Specifications
Memory Bandwidth: Memory bandwidth is the max amount of data (in units of megabytes per second) that can be transported past the external memory interface in one second. The number is worked out by multiplying the interface width by the speed of its memory. In the case of DDR type RAM, it must be multiplied by 2 again. If DDR5, multiply by 4 instead. The better the card's memory bandwidth, the faster the card will be in general. It especially helps with anti-aliasing, HDR and high resolutions. Texel Rate: Texel rate is the maximum number of texture map elements (texels) that can be applied per second. This is calculated by multiplying the total amount of texture units of the card by the core clock speed of the chip. The better this number, the better the graphics card will be at handling texture filtering (anisotropic filtering - AF). It is measured in millions of texels applied per second. Pixel Rate: Pixel rate is the most pixels the graphics card can possibly write to its local memory in one second - measured in millions of pixels per second. The figure is worked out by multiplying the amount of ROPs by the the core speed of the card. ROPs (Raster Operations Pipelines - aka Render Output Units) are responsible for outputting the pixels (image) to the screen. The actual pixel fill rate is also dependant on quite a few other factors, most notably the memory bandwidth of the card - the lower the bandwidth is, the lower the ability to get to the maximum fill rate.
Display Prices
Please note that the price comparisons are based on search keywords - sometimes it might show cards with very similar names that are not exactly the same as the one chosen in the comparison. We do try to filter out the wrong results as best we can, though.
9 Responses to “GeForce GTX 980 vs Radeon HD 7990”Huh.. still can't beat 7990. what a loser card.
7990 dual gpu fgt
so what u madafaka.whatever nvidia faggot is making new shit for madfaka like u ,it's still 10 steps behind amd.
u madafaka ur 980 shit if goes SLI, still can't beat 7990.So do u r self a favour,put that 980 shit in ur asshole @ROFLBOY
980 gtx is better, see "toms hardware vga charts 2014", REAL BENCHMARKS, theorical benchmarks are useless...
Scot you too.............
Meraz stop sucking AMD balls plz.
Alex u were sucking nvidia's dick while writing the comment huh ?
I have a 7990 and have had it for months now. Lots of experience with it.
I just bought a Strix 980 to test out, had a 30 day return policy so I figured put it on my credit card and give it a shot.
The 7990 is a BEAST... When the game supports it. BF4 is insane on this card. But when a game doesn't support Crossfire or AMD drivers in general... You're in for some major problems. You quickly get downgraded by the game to a single 7970 and poor driver support. Not optimal.
Nvidia seems to be the way to go for stability. 7990 frame rate is high, but all over the place. Advanced Warfare I run between 60 and 130 fps at all times. It's crazy how fast it moves all over the place.
So I want some stability and games like Watchdogs to actually work (which it basically does not with the 7990). I want reliability over raw frame rate potential. I want the 980, I think.
Unfortunately I can't give you my ultimate decision since the video output does not work on the Strix 980 I bought. It was open box and that's probably why. I'll return it and give it one more shot then we'll see.
Anyway, just my two cents.