Compare any two graphics cards:
GeForce GTX 750 Ti vs Radeon R7 260X
IntroThe GeForce GTX 750 Ti has a clock frequency of 1020 MHz and a GDDR5 memory speed of 1350 MHz. It also uses a 128-bit bus, and uses a 28 nm design. It features 640 SPUs, 40 Texture Address Units, and 16 Raster Operation Units.Compare those specifications to the Radeon R7 260X, which makes use of a 28 nm design. AMD has clocked the core frequency at 1100 MHz. The GDDR5 RAM runs at a frequency of 1625 MHz on this specific model. It features 896 SPUs as well as 56 TAUs and 16 ROPs.
Display Graphs
BenchmarksThese are real-world performance benchmarks that were submitted by Hardware Compare users. The scores seen here are the average of all benchmarks submitted for each respective test and hardware.
3DMark Fire Strike Graphics Score
Zcash Mining Hash Rate
Power Usage and Theoretical BenchmarksPower Consumption (Max TDP)
Memory BandwidthPerformance-wise, the Radeon R7 260X should theoretically be just a bit better than the GeForce GTX 750 Ti overall. (explain)
Texel RateThe Radeon R7 260X should be quite a bit (about 51%) faster with regards to texture filtering than the GeForce GTX 750 Ti. (explain)
Pixel RateThe Radeon R7 260X should be a small bit (approximately 8%) more effective at full screen anti-aliasing than the GeForce GTX 750 Ti, and will be able to handle higher screen resolutions without losing too much performance. (explain)
Please note that the above 'benchmarks' are all just theoretical - the results were calculated based on the card's specifications, and real-world performance may (and probably will) vary at least a bit. Price Comparison
Display Prices
Please note that the price comparisons are based on search keywords - sometimes it might show cards with very similar names that are not exactly the same as the one chosen in the comparison. We do try to filter out the wrong results as best we can, though. Specifications
Display Specifications
Memory Bandwidth: Memory bandwidth is the maximum amount of data (in units of MB per second) that can be moved over the external memory interface within a second. The number is calculated by multiplying the interface width by its memory speed. If it uses DDR type RAM, it should be multiplied by 2 once again. If it uses DDR5, multiply by 4 instead. The better the card's memory bandwidth, the better the card will be in general. It especially helps with AA, HDR and high resolutions. Texel Rate: Texel rate is the maximum number of texture map elements (texels) that are processed in one second. This figure is worked out by multiplying the total texture units by the core clock speed of the chip. The better this number, the better the video card will be at texture filtering (anisotropic filtering - AF). It is measured in millions of texels applied in a second. Pixel Rate: Pixel rate is the maximum amount of pixels the video card could possibly write to its local memory per second - measured in millions of pixels per second. Pixel rate is calculated by multiplying the amount of ROPs by the the core clock speed. ROPs (Raster Operations Pipelines - sometimes also referred to as Render Output Units) are responsible for outputting the pixels (image) to the screen. The actual pixel output rate is also dependant on many other factors, most notably the memory bandwidth - the lower the bandwidth is, the lower the ability to get to the max fill rate.
Display Prices
Please note that the price comparisons are based on search keywords - sometimes it might show cards with very similar names that are not exactly the same as the one chosen in the comparison. We do try to filter out the wrong results as best we can, though.
9 Responses to “GeForce GTX 750 Ti vs Radeon R7 260X”The 260X should be killing the 750 Ti in benchmarks. You can clearly see it has more horsepower. A higher Texel Rate Higher Pixel Rate and Higher Memory Bandwidth. But thanks to AMD's Drivers, LOL, The R7 265 does kill the 750 Ti and is the same price. But the R7 265 could be much faster in benchmarks too if AMD could get get someone who could actually make drivers. What AMD needs to do is just scrap all drivers they have and start with new code. That is the only way they are ever going to fix their driver issues. And they need to fire whoever the idiots are that are constantly making the decision to keep putting out drivers with the same problems they have had for years over and over again!
You're right blair. I think that's the main reason they're starting with the mantle thing to begin with. I know that's more like a second layer and not the drive but the performarce is clearly's better now. Hope this works out for AMD.
It is only instatant compare based on technical specifications. In reality HW of GTX is more powerfull, better and faster than R7. Power consuption in this price level graphics cards is importatnt too. Sorry for my bad English. Do you understand I want to tell you?
the R7 260X destroys the 750 TI but it uses twice the wattage which makes it not really worth it considering it's not that much more powerful than the TI
You have the 750ti only supporting DirectX 11 when it actually supports DirectX 11.2 like you have listed for the 260X.
could I run the 260X on a 500w psu?
Yes Daniel the 260X has a 500w requirement. The gtx 750ti needs only 400w. But wattage isnt the most important part. The 260x need 30-33 amps on 12V rail, while the gtx only 20 amps. Check ur psu. (I bought the gtx 750ti, and had to replace my 400w psu which had only 15 amps, with another with 30 amps on 12V)(corsair CX430)
James says: my poweer supply unit says: 12v 17 Amp 12v1 14 Amp.
Is this enougth? for 750 Ti ?
Actually own a HD 5770 and plays great 😀
i have both of them r7 260x have more sound but in red dead redemption i got 29 fps in low
but 750ti is silent cooler but i got 25 fps in red dead 2 now i have gigabyte gtx 970 windforce
its a killer o advice for someone want to have low budget system