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Radeon HD 5970 vs Radeon HD 7970


The Radeon HD 5970 comes with clock speeds of 725 MHz on the GPU, and 1000 MHz on the 1024 MB of GDDR5 RAM. It features 1600 SPUs as well as 160 Texture Address Units and 64 Rasterization Operator Units.

Compare those specifications to the Radeon HD 7970, which has a clock frequency of 925 MHz and a GDDR5 memory speed of 1375 MHz. It also uses a 384-bit bus, and uses a 28 nm design. It is comprised of 2048 SPUs, 128 Texture Address Units, and 32 Raster Operation Units.

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Power Usage and Theoretical Benchmarks

Power Consumption (Max TDP)

Radeon HD 7970 250 Watts
Radeon HD 5970 294 Watts
Difference: 44 Watts (18%)

Memory Bandwidth

Theoretically, the Radeon HD 7970 should perform a bit faster than the Radeon HD 5970 in general. (explain)

Radeon HD 7970 264000 MB/sec
Radeon HD 5970 256000 MB/sec
Difference: 8000 (3%)

Texel Rate

The Radeon HD 5970 will be quite a bit (about 96%) faster with regards to texture filtering than the Radeon HD 7970. (explain)

Radeon HD 5970 232000 Mtexels/sec
Radeon HD 7970 118400 Mtexels/sec
Difference: 113600 (96%)

Pixel Rate

The Radeon HD 5970 will be much (approximately 214%) better at full screen anti-aliasing than the Radeon HD 7970, and also should be capable of handling higher screen resolutions better. (explain)

Radeon HD 5970 92800 Mpixels/sec
Radeon HD 7970 29600 Mpixels/sec
Difference: 63200 (214%)

Please note that the above 'benchmarks' are all just theoretical - the results were calculated based on the card's specifications, and real-world performance may (and probably will) vary at least a bit.

One or more cards in this comparison are multi-core. This means that their bandwidth, texel and pixel rates are theoretically doubled - this does not mean the card will actually perform twice as fast, but only that it should in theory be able to. Actual game benchmarks will give a more accurate idea of what it's capable of.

Price Comparison

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Radeon HD 5970

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Radeon HD 7970

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Please note that the price comparisons are based on search keywords - sometimes it might show cards with very similar names that are not exactly the same as the one chosen in the comparison. We do try to filter out the wrong results as best we can, though.


Display Specifications

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Model Radeon HD 5970 Radeon HD 7970
Manufacturer AMD AMD
Year November 2009 January 2012
Code Name Hemlock XT Tahiti XT
Memory 1024 MB (x2) 3072 MB
Core Speed 725 MHz (x2) 925 MHz
Memory Speed 4000 MHz (x2) 5500 MHz
Power (Max TDP) 294 watts 250 watts
Bandwidth 256000 MB/sec 264000 MB/sec
Texel Rate 232000 Mtexels/sec 118400 Mtexels/sec
Pixel Rate 92800 Mpixels/sec 29600 Mpixels/sec
Unified Shaders 1600 (x2) 2048
Texture Mapping Units 160 (x2) 128
Render Output Units 64 (x2) 32
Bus Type GDDR5 GDDR5
Bus Width 256-bit (x2) 384-bit
Fab Process 40 nm 28 nm
Transistors 2154 million 4313 million
Bus PCIe x16 PCIe 3.0 x16
DirectX Version DirectX 11 DirectX 11.1
OpenGL Version OpenGL 4.1 OpenGL 4.2

Memory Bandwidth: Bandwidth is the maximum amount of data (counted in megabytes per second) that can be transported over the external memory interface within a second. The number is calculated by multiplying the interface width by its memory clock speed. In the case of DDR memory, the result should be multiplied by 2 again. If it uses DDR5, multiply by ANOTHER 2x. The higher the memory bandwidth, the faster the card will be in general. It especially helps with AA, High Dynamic Range and higher screen resolutions.

Texel Rate: Texel rate is the maximum amount of texture map elements (texels) that can be processed in one second. This is calculated by multiplying the total amount of texture units of the card by the core clock speed of the chip. The higher this number, the better the graphics card will be at texture filtering (anisotropic filtering - AF). It is measured in millions of texels in one second.

Pixel Rate: Pixel rate is the maximum amount of pixels the graphics card could possibly write to the local memory in a second - measured in millions of pixels per second. The number is calculated by multiplying the amount of colour ROPs by the the core clock speed. ROPs (Raster Operations Pipelines - also called Render Output Units) are responsible for filling the screen with pixels (the image). The actual pixel rate is also dependant on many other factors, especially the memory bandwidth - the lower the bandwidth is, the lower the ability to get to the maximum fill rate.

Display Prices

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Radeon HD 5970

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Radeon HD 7970

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Please note that the price comparisons are based on search keywords - sometimes it might show cards with very similar names that are not exactly the same as the one chosen in the comparison. We do try to filter out the wrong results as best we can, though.


19 Responses to “Radeon HD 5970 vs Radeon HD 7970”
Priyesh says:

AMD Radeon 5970 HD Is Still Better In Texel & Pixel Rate.

MOSLER says:

I agree. But there is an error. The HD 5970 texel rate 2 times lower - 116 MTexels.

gab says:

I have a HD 5970 still is good! I wont replace it never! but maybe I will get a GTX 590 3GB when prices will drop

ewan says:

7970 was owned by our old 5970. they created a monster only once

WTF? says:

MAN!! What the hell is this??
5970 faster than 7970??

Are u freakin' kiddin' me?

Jesus Christ! says:

holy ass! the NEW 7970 got its ass handed to it by its older brother, the good ole' 5970.

Idiot Police says:

Apparently none of you realize the 5970 is a Single Card Dual GPU while the 7970 is a single card single GPU. That's like comparing apples and two apples to see which has more food on it.

Sl1ce says:

@Idiot Police but still u cant change the fact that 5970 is beast for more than 2 years old gfx card

Mak says:

They both only take up 1 slot, and both cost around the same even today.. 5970 was my purchase when it was new, and if i could take it all back and buy the 7970, i wouldn't. They're gonna have to create a new mold for the future.. they sure as hell broke it after the 5970.

arma3 says:

you all will never andrestanding the ultimate power of great 5970, i hold this card for nearly 4 years and yet show no sign to being retreated.i wish i could have had another last 5970 to crossfired with my own one but its better to keep waiting for 8000 or maybe 9000 series.

مشاوره برای یک دسک‌تاپ مناسب برای کار 3DS Max و اتوکد says:

[...] گرافیک 5970 به نظرم معقول و قدرتمند باشه برای شما Radeon HD 5970 vs Radeon HD 7970 – Performance Comparison Benchmarks @ Hardware Compare Radeon HD 5970 vs Radeon HD 6990 – Performance Comparison Benchmarks @ Hardware Compare [...]

wabzorus says:

The Upcomming 7990 is rumored to surpass them all. including Nvidia's beast the gtx 690

Jojo says:

I hope you know that the specifications for the 5970 are wrong on this site. For some reason they're tripled, or doubled... I don't know what... someone got the specs wrong. The 6970s and 6980s easily surpass this card by a huge margin. This is an error... go check the specs on the AMD website yourself.

Confused between buying Laptop or Desktop for gaming says:

[...] he buy a 5xxx series when 7xxx series is available. Please don't suggest if you don't know. Radeon HD 5970 vs Radeon HD 7970 – Performance Comparison Benchmarks @ Hardware Compare Reply With Quote « Previous Thread | Next Thread [...]

WrongWrongWrong says:

I have the 5970 and confirm that it's a piece of shit.
I can barely play AC3 on 15-20 fps in boston and shit even lags on d3 with 4 player games.
The only thing it does right is shooters, which I don't even fucking play.

maykon says:

a placa tenho um crossfire 5970 e até hoje não tem nada para bater. nem uma gtx690 que eu também tenho e não chega nem nos pés do meu crossfire.

puttano says:

io ho 2 5970 tedeschi di merda e vi dico che sono melgio le 5970 crucchi di merda .

Panda says:

According to AMD site only the texel and pixel rate has been doubled.
Part from that fact 5970 still smashes the 7970 in pixel rate by far,
which considering the age of the 5970 is bloody amazing.

At this point I'd go for 5970, just because it's a LEGEND

Matt says:

Just so you all know the information listed for the HD5970 is completely wrong.

Its good, not this good.

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