Compare any two graphics cards:
GeForce GTX 560 Ti vs Radeon HD 6950 2GB
IntroThe GeForce GTX 560 Ti uses a 40 nm design. nVidia has set the core speed at 822 MHz. The GDDR5 RAM is set to run at a frequency of 1002 MHz on this specific card. It features 384 SPUs along with 64 TAUs and 32 Rasterization Operator Units.Compare all that to the Radeon HD 6950 2GB, which comes with core speeds of 800 MHz on the GPU, and 1250 MHz on the 2048 MB of GDDR5 memory. It features 1408 SPUs along with 88 TAUs and 32 Rasterization Operator Units.
Display Graphs
Power Usage and Theoretical BenchmarksPower Consumption (Max TDP)
Memory BandwidthAs far as performance goes, the Radeon HD 6950 2GB should theoretically be quite a bit better than the GeForce GTX 560 Ti in general. (explain)
Texel RateThe Radeon HD 6950 2GB will be a lot (about 34%) more effective at anisotropic filtering than the GeForce GTX 560 Ti. (explain)
Pixel RateThe GeForce GTX 560 Ti should be a small bit (approximately 3%) more effective at AA than the Radeon HD 6950 2GB, and should be able to handle higher resolutions without losing too much performance. (explain)
Please note that the above 'benchmarks' are all just theoretical - the results were calculated based on the card's specifications, and real-world performance may (and probably will) vary at least a bit. Price Comparison
Display Prices
Please note that the price comparisons are based on search keywords - sometimes it might show cards with very similar names that are not exactly the same as the one chosen in the comparison. We do try to filter out the wrong results as best we can, though. Specifications
Display Specifications
Memory Bandwidth: Memory bandwidth is the max amount of data (measured in megabytes per second) that can be moved across the external memory interface in a second. It is worked out by multiplying the bus width by its memory clock speed. In the case of DDR memory, it must be multiplied by 2 once again. If DDR5, multiply by 4 instead. The higher the bandwidth is, the better the card will be in general. It especially helps with anti-aliasing, High Dynamic Range and higher screen resolutions. Texel Rate: Texel rate is the maximum amount of texture map elements (texels) that can be processed per second. This is worked out by multiplying the total number of texture units of the card by the core speed of the chip. The better this number, the better the video card will be at handling texture filtering (anisotropic filtering - AF). It is measured in millions of texels processed per second. Pixel Rate: Pixel rate is the most pixels the graphics card could possibly write to its local memory per second - measured in millions of pixels per second. The number is calculated by multiplying the number of Render Output Units by the the card's clock speed. ROPs (Raster Operations Pipelines - also called Render Output Units) are responsible for outputting the pixels (image) to the screen. The actual pixel fill rate is also dependant on many other factors, most notably the memory bandwidth - the lower the memory bandwidth is, the lower the potential to get to the maximum fill rate.
Display Prices
Please note that the price comparisons are based on search keywords - sometimes it might show cards with very similar names that are not exactly the same as the one chosen in the comparison. We do try to filter out the wrong results as best we can, though.
15 Responses to “GeForce GTX 560 Ti vs Radeon HD 6950 2GB”[...]… [...]
[...] HD 6950 vs. GTX560 According to HWCompare the GTX560 is slightly faster. Ribbon Guidelines:Contact a CoD Admin Reply With [...]
[...] HD 6950 2GB MSI GTX-560-Ti HAWK 1GB Asus GTX-560 Ti DCII TOP 1GB Computerbase Test GTX 560 Ti GTX 560 Ti vs. HD 6950 2GB GTX 560 Ti vs. HD 6950 2GB Nun bin ich froh, wenn ich von eurer Erfahrung profitieren kann. Die [...]
Are you serious with this?
Really, _three_ games?
And judging "fastest card" by counting the TOTAL FPS of those _three_ games? 😀
Not to mention grabbing "power consumption" figures straight from "official specifications" which have little to do with real life.
Check TPU or some other site for proper benchmarks, including power consumption (hint: GTX560 Ti, is NOT faster, and in fact uses more power than 6950)
Agreed with Kaotik. This is possibly the worst comparison I've ever seen. Comparing FPS for three games, two of which have notable Nvidia bias (Dirt 2/Just Cause 2), and then declaring one is faster than the other based purely on tech specs... for shame. Real benchmarks consistently show the 6950 faster across the majority of games, which show just how accurate this comparison really is.
These comparisons are all automated based on database info. But I'll change the wording so it doesn't seem so 'declarative' or whatever.
The benchmarks are real, unless of course Tom's Hardware faked them... which I doubt 🙂
The power consumption figures have to come from official specifications, because it's rare to find sites testing power draw without reporting the total system draw... which can't be used to compare cards because they may have been tested in completely different systems. It's just impractical for comparing things on such a massive scale...
And I don't feel like typing up a disclaimer under every single heading. 😀
Here let me sum this up for you all so this can be put to rest ATI HD5970....need I say more
[...] 2048MB R6950 Twin Frozr II Sau concurenta(560 TI) la un pret mult mai mic si care e si mai buna(GeForce GTX 560 Ti vs Radeon HD 6950 2GB – Performance Comparison Benchmarks @ Hardware Compar...) adica asa ceva. N-are rost sa strici banii aiurea Placa video Zotac GTX560 Ti 1024MB ZT-50301-10M [...]
stupid french people with their inability to speak english ... i traded my xfx hd6950 2GB for a gainward gtx560 ti... not happy about it, i have less fps in all games, especialy skyrim and bf3. im gonna get my old 6950 back today
Stupid english people that can't differenciate franch from other languages...
[...] 6950> 560TI. 6950 is slightly better than the latter. Check neck to neck benchmarks here: GeForce GTX 560 Ti vs Radeon HD 6950 2GB – Performance Comparison Benchmarks @ Hardware Compar... __________________ AMD Phenom X3-8650 Overclocked @ 3 Ghz | CM Hyper TX2 | Kingston 2 GB @ 800 [...]
6950 is better than 560ti. I'm proud have 6950 in my your money for get some better.why not..
[...] بله شما راست میگید . ولی میشه گفت که تقریبا یکی هستن . GeForce GTX 560 Ti vs Radeon HD 6950 2GB – Performance Comparison Benchmarks @ Hardware Compar... پاسخ با نقل [...]
No way the gtx 560ti is better than Radeon HD 6950 (this test is absurd)