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GeForce GTX Titan vs Radeon HD 7970
IntroThe GeForce GTX Titan has a GPU clock speed of 837 MHz, and the 6144 MB of GDDR5 RAM runs at 1502 MHz through a 384-bit bus. It also features 2688 Stream Processors, 224 Texture Address Units, and 48 ROPs.Compare that to the Radeon HD 7970, which features a clock frequency of 925 MHz and a GDDR5 memory frequency of 1375 MHz. It also features a 384-bit memory bus, and uses a 28 nm design. It is made up of 2048 SPUs, 128 Texture Address Units, and 32 ROPs.
Display Graphs
BenchmarksThese are real-world performance benchmarks that were submitted by Hardware Compare users. The scores seen here are the average of all benchmarks submitted for each respective test and hardware.
3DMark Fire Strike Graphics Score
Grand Theft Auto V | 1920x1080 | Very High
Power Usage and Theoretical BenchmarksBoth cards have the same power consumption.Memory BandwidthPerformance-wise, the GeForce GTX Titan should in theory be a bit better than the Radeon HD 7970 overall. (explain)
Texel RateThe GeForce GTX Titan is much (approximately 58%) faster with regards to texture filtering than the Radeon HD 7970. (explain)
Pixel RateThe GeForce GTX Titan will be quite a bit (about 36%) faster with regards to full screen anti-aliasing than the Radeon HD 7970, and also should be capable of handling higher screen resolutions without losing too much performance. (explain)
Please note that the above 'benchmarks' are all just theoretical - the results were calculated based on the card's specifications, and real-world performance may (and probably will) vary at least a bit. Price Comparison
Display Prices
Please note that the price comparisons are based on search keywords - sometimes it might show cards with very similar names that are not exactly the same as the one chosen in the comparison. We do try to filter out the wrong results as best we can, though. Specifications
Display Specifications
Memory Bandwidth: Memory bandwidth is the max amount of data (counted in megabytes per second) that can be moved over the external memory interface in a second. It's worked out by multiplying the interface width by the speed of its memory. In the case of DDR type memory, it must be multiplied by 2 again. If it uses DDR5, multiply by ANOTHER 2x. The better the bandwidth is, the better the card will be in general. It especially helps with AA, High Dynamic Range and higher screen resolutions. Texel Rate: Texel rate is the maximum number of texture map elements (texels) that can be processed per second. This is calculated by multiplying the total amount of texture units by the core clock speed of the chip. The higher this number, the better the graphics card will be at handling texture filtering (anisotropic filtering - AF). It is measured in millions of texels processed per second. Pixel Rate: Pixel rate is the most pixels the video card can possibly record to the local memory in a second - measured in millions of pixels per second. The figure is worked out by multiplying the amount of ROPs by the the card's clock speed. ROPs (Raster Operations Pipelines - sometimes also referred to as Render Output Units) are responsible for drawing the pixels (image) on the screen. The actual pixel output rate also depends on quite a few other factors, especially the memory bandwidth of the card - the lower the memory bandwidth is, the lower the potential to get to the max fill rate.
Display Prices
Please note that the price comparisons are based on search keywords - sometimes it might show cards with very similar names that are not exactly the same as the one chosen in the comparison. We do try to filter out the wrong results as best we can, though.
7 Responses to “GeForce GTX Titan vs Radeon HD 7970”can u get any idea........?
Choos ur answer
Performance of titan is not worth the price... 7970 is 25% cheaper....
ups... sorry... 7970 is 75% cheaper then titan :/ OMG!
both same ish, but this only shows AMD last gen gpu vs NVidia new gen gpu, if u put ATI/AMD HD 7990 vs titan u will see amd wins again, AMD always win in the GPU race, AMD for my GFX and INTEL for my CPU, ati ein again, but each month both ati/amd and nvidia will out do each other so for an amount of time each will be on top
Just get 2 7970s, and there's something that would pack a punch. Maybe even harder than the titan, and save 200$.. Always have been a AMD fan, and always will be. AMD FTW.
Ok, TITAN's price is worth it, having in mind that its technologies are much more advanced than those of AMD, also it has lots of power at lower power conssumption than AMD. After that, for that who said that AMD 7990 beats TITAN, of course it does, but because it has 2 processors, while TITAN just has 1 and still competes against it, blabber mouth. Anyways 7990 6GB's can't beat TITAN also because of its single CrossFire mode for up to 12GB on 2 GPUs, while TITAN beats that with ease at 24GB on Quad-SLI configuraction and can beat any GPU nowadays also due to this and much more. And a final detail, AMD just works on gaming, while nVidia works on gaming and also for more demanding design software, like Adobe and AutoDesk, due to the integration of kepler technology as on its industrial GPUs, Quadro and Tesla.
two 7970s are about $500 used on ebay right now, that is about half the price of a titan and almost 175% performance